Thursday, December 30, 2004
my first christmas sermon
it is not a traditional sermon on the birth narative but it is about the people of israel returning to the promise land after 70 years in captivity and the restoration the begins and the silence of God at the close of the old testament and his voice's return as the new testament opens.
give it a listen and tell me what you think it is only 24 minutes.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
jingle cats
be afraid be very afraid this is at once some of the worst music i have ever heard and one of the funniest cds ever! probably the best is the ode to joy! almost as funny as space ghost's musical bar-b-que which when i first heard it nearly made me wet my pants and the seat to my buddy brice's rodeo.
if you dare to buy this cd i would recomend that you buy a used one from amazon i got mine for 5 bucks with shipping. if you want to hear a sample go to the jingle cats website you can also buy other jingle cat's cds or the one with the dogs called Christmas unleashed. they are also available on itunes
what josh is listening to
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
what is josh listening to right now?
Saturday, December 18, 2004
lego man waves take two
Friday, December 17, 2004
Controversy and Replication
As construction began in 1886 so did the controversy. Many artists, writers and Parisian thought the stark design was an atrocity and an affront to the beautiful architecture and design of Paris. Pamphlets and newspaper articles were written but construction went on. When the tower was completed in March 31st 1889. The controversy and opposition died down once the tower was completed and the positive response it received from the throng of visitors who first visited the tower.
This once derided tower is now reproduced in mass quantity. You find Eiffel Tower clocks, paperweights and snow globes. It shows up in artwork and is a must see for anyone who visits Paris.
Sound familiar?
It reminds me of the Cross. We don’t know who built the cross that our LORD died on. We do know it was controversial in the beginning. How could the LORD and KING of the universe be executed in such a manner only common criminals and scum die that way? Some didn’t believe that the physical Jesus died but his spirit was not on the Cross. Over the centuries the controversy has died down. Now you find the cross reproduced everywhere on t-shirts, on jewelry, artwork, hats and bumper stickers.
Even though it has been reproduced millions of times, the Cross has not lost its power. The power is not in the reproduction but in who died on the original! When one stops and thinks about what happened on that old rugged cross hundreds of years ago the power of that moment returns. Every Sunday when we eat Communion together we remember that our LORD died for our sins. That powerful and controversial event’s impact can not be diminished.
(For more information on the Eiffel Tower visit the official Eiffel Tower website and for more information on the Cross read Matthew thru Revelation in your Bible.)
Thursday, December 16, 2004
mohammed helped me
well today at target mohammed helped me. actually he found lisa's 1 hour photos and checked me out in a retail way. now i just have to wait for someone with jewish, hindu or pagan leaders name to help me. when that happens ya'll will be the second to know
Friday, December 10, 2004
quiet friday night
all in all it is a quiet night at the byrd house. hope all is quiet with you.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
ug we are all sick
Monday, November 29, 2004
lego man waves
Friday, November 26, 2004
jesus helped me at staples the other day
i was thinking to myself "this guy is so helpfull i wonder what his name is." so i looked at his name tag. his name was "jesus" i had to suppress my laughter.
so now i can say that jesus helped me at staples the other day.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
happy thanksgiving
happy thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
legos come alive
Sunday, November 14, 2004
the century oak
Century Oak
Mark rode down the road on his bike. He squinted his dark eyes as he rode, fast and faster down the hill and then up again. He was on his way to Mary’s house. They were going he climb the Century Oak. Te Century Oak was an oak tree planted by the families who founded their town. It was the oldest living thing alive.
Mark rolled up to Mary’s. Opened the gate to her fence and ran up the walk to her door. On the way he stopped to get a flower for her. He put the flower behind his back and strode across the porch.
Knock, knock, knock
Mary opened the door; she was wearing overalls, boots and a white t-shirt. She had dark eyes like Mark and was tall and slender. She opened the door. Mark gave her flowers and Mary gave mark a hug. They were the best friends in the world. They raced down the walk through the gate and onto their bikes.
It was two miles from Mary’s to the century oak. They rode together past Mary’s family’s farm. Then they rode across the new wooden bridge and across the old stone bridge. Finally they rode up the last rise before the rolled into town to the tree.
They knew the tree was old and climbed it often, always wondering what this tree had seen during its long life. The lowest branches were just over Mark’s head. Being the tallest he jumped and climbed on the first branch. Then he reached down and pulled Mary up. Limb after limb and branch after branch they climbed higher and higher. They were a few yards short of the op when the branches became too weak to hold them. So her they stopped each on a branch looking out over their world. They could see their whole town. Looking west they saw the road they had rode on. The church was to their right. Its white steeple was easy to see. Next they saw the general store. Then the courthouse, its golden dome shone brightly in the late afternoon sun, the other side of the road went east out of town. They saw the hotel, stables, mechanic, gas station, the bank, and finally the post office. It was a complete circle with the Century Oak and them in the middle. As they watched the Road they saw horses, cars, bikes and buggies coming and going. They looked further out to the west and saw the old stone bridge, the new wooden bridge and the windy creek that flows under them to the Great River, Mary’ farm and beyond that Mark’s farm. Turning around and following the Road again they could see the Mill and the Power House out in the Great River.
Mark and Mary loved this view, their world all around them. They talked about the people they could see and made up stories about the strangers. Mark reached in his pack and pulled out some biscuits for them. Mary had lemonade in a bottle. They ate and drank up in the Tree as the sun began to set and the winds began to blow. Mary felt the wind blow thru her short red hair. She looked over at Mark as it moved his long black hair.
Before it was too dark they climbed back down as the fireflies came out. Branch by branch and limb-by-limb they made their way down to their bikes.
Evening was deepening as they pedaled hard to beat the sunset. With the fireflies out it was as if they were riding past stars. Over the old stone bridge and the new wooden bridge rolling up to Mary’s house. Mary thanked Mark for a great day and gave him a hug and went inside.
Mark climbed back on his bike and made his way home. The sun had set and Mark rode by moon and star light all the way home. While he was still a way off he could see his porch light and could smell the diner his family was cooking.
Friday, November 12, 2004
unfinished short story
Unfinished Short Story
Look deep into space
What are you seeing?
It is beyond you or me
But he knows?
Yes he knows
He knows the when and where
He knows the how and why
I know it, I see it.
How long
As long as I remember
What are you?
Who are you?
I am the one
The one who runs with the night
I am trapped in my power
He is sad
Yes he is
For he did not ask to be what he is
It is not a gift but a curse
No, you are wrong
It is a gift to those who need your help
Stop pitying yourself
No, how dare you add to my sorrow
I do not add to your sorrow
Instead I give you a way to joy
Yes joy that is what I miss
And what you need
He woke up, the dream over. “Thank you” he thought as reality opened around him. Stumbling through the house he entered the kitchen. Going through his normal morning routine of making coffee. He finally looked at himself in the mirror but was it him? He thought he could see a woman. Where had he seen her before? “The dream, what dream? Of course she is in my dream. Wait how?” He stood there starring at himself. Reaching for the faucet he began to get ready for work
Walking to his car the wind seemed to have a voice, a faint but audible voice. “Help” nothing more than “help” is what the wind asked for. “Don’t lose it now. Business meeting think business meeting.” He said to himself to calm his nerves. “I’ll call Valerie and talk to her. She know about this stuff
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
true citizenship
as a christian and a follower of the LORD JESUS CHRIST i have a king and i am part of the Kingdom of God. It really doesn't matter who sits across the river in the white house because they really don't have any power over me. that person is not my KING he or she is not my LORD. the president of the united states of america doesn't rule the Kingdom of God.
the Kingdom of God is an unstoppable kingdom with no physical or temporal boundaries. The Kingdom spreads all over this planet and has existed before the usa and will exist long after this worlds passes. citizens of the Kingdom are united together thru the blood of the SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
as a christian my allegiance is not to the democratic nor republican party. as christians our concerns should not be of the polotics of this world but of going about the buisness of the Kingdom!
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
the corolla
Monday, October 11, 2004
i am home
it sounds like at least one of the guys is a definate to apply to acu and the other 2 are maybes. all in all this weekend was a success!
Saturday, October 09, 2004
hanging out at paul's
just hanging in out in campus
Friday, October 08, 2004
i am in abilene
Thursday, October 07, 2004
walked this road before
so far i have to go!
so far have i come?
so far have i to go?
the road behind is short
the road ahead is long
is the road behind short?
is the road ahead long?
i follow Him
who has walked this way before
who has walked this way before?
everyone has...
no one has...
only One has...
...walked this road before
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
I Love My Dad
On Monday I changed the front brake pads on Lilly. We love to name things; my Palm Pilot is Sparky, our van is Bluebyrd and our white station wagon is Lilly. I went to auto parts store and bought the pads. Then I jacked up the car and pulled one of the front wheels off. I found the 11/16th socket, my grandpa’s ratchet and started to undo the bolts that hold the pad housing. They were stuck hard. I figured that a manic tightened those bolts. So I did what any good son should do I called my dad for help. He recommended that I spray some WD40 in there and wait. So I sprayed some WD40 between the bolt and housing and waited. It worked great!
I have lots of great memories of my father and I working on cars. We rotated tires, changed oil, changed spark plugs and did all kinds of things together on our family cars. A lot of my joy of doing things for myself with my kids comes from those experiences. Monday Austin helped me with the lug nuts on the wheel. Ashley and Sarah have helped me build and/or fix things in the past. I know Tyler will be there with me as well. I could almost start a handyman service with my kids and I as the handymen/women.
I also have lots of great memories of when my Father and heaven and I worked together. We didn’t rotate tires, change oil or spark plugs but we He allowed me to be a part of some great things. One of my favorite things that the Father does is allow me to be a part of someone’s salvation. Whether I am answering questions that a young person has or I am the one with the privilege of baptizing a young person. That is the Father at work. The Father also allows me to help teach teens and students every week. When I start a new lesson I pray that it will not be my message but the Father’s.
I am not the only person the Father works through here at Falls Church. Each one of you is an instrument in the Father’s hand. We are all like tools he uses to fix people whose lives are broken. You and I are the hands and feet of the Father. When we put our pride and selfishness aside He does great things through us. Not that we are great but He is great and in His greatness uses us to do great things. Great things are not always big and splashy sometimes they are small and intimate. So even if you are not an elder, deacon, ministry leader, preacher or youth minister, you are still and instrument in your Father’s hands.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
no title
i pounded on the
i yelled at the
i wrote my message on paper
and tried to slip it through
the cracks in the rock
i wantd to touch
the heart behing the rock
i failed,
turning my eyes to
suddenly a great torent
of water poured over
me and the rock
the water ran into the cracks
past all the defences
my message desolved
the message penetrated
Friday, September 24, 2004
no splashing
warm black coffee
on a cool september eve
two little girls
in a bubble bath
mandy the salamander
joins them in the tub
bad spelling
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Beautiful Broken World
It was probably and ambulance heading up Annandale Road but it broke the peacefulness of the morning. It reminded me that no matter how beautiful or wonderful or special something in this world is it is broken. I don’t mean that this world is cracked or that it is in pieces. Instead I mean this world is broken by sin.
The shadow of sin is everywhere. Open the newspaper, turn on the radio or surf the web and you will find brokenness. In the newspaper we read about a world full of injustice where those with power and money have it easy but those who are poor and powerless struggle everyday to survive. We read about people who are desperately trying to make sense of the world by relying on their own wisdom and not God’s folly. () On the radio we hear songs about people seeking love, looking for direction, destroying their lives with sex, drugs and alcohol. Seeking to fill the void in their heart with the stuff of this world they ultimately fail. Finally as you surf the web you discover how dark the world can be. One can easily find websites that promote hate, pornography and exploit anything and everything to make money.
Now in each of these mediums you can find beauty. In the newspapers there are stories about people triumphing over the injustice of our world. On the radio you can find music about hope and discovering how to fill the God shaped hole in all of us. On the net you can find light, love and purity.
The beauty of the world shows us the brokenness. I think back to Jesus’ statement that we are to be in the world but not of it. We are to be beauty and light in this dark and broken world. It is not our light or our beauty but it is the LORD’s light and beauty we reflect.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
my cross
was mine
i was to hang and die
the sin is all mine
the cross which stands before me
is His
He is to hang and die
the sin is all mine
the tomb which stands before me
was mine
i was to lie there dead
the death is all mine
the tomb which stands before me
is His
He is to lie there dead
the death is all mine
He took my cross
He took my tomb
He took my sin
He took my death
the cross stands empty
the tomb lies empty
He is alive
He gave me life
Thursday, September 09, 2004
What Does a Holy Life Look Like?
What Does a Holy Life Look Like?
Since we just explored why we as God’s people live a holy live we need to know what that life looks like. Some people feel that to live a holy life you have to follow a list of “don’ts” Don’t do this or don’t do that and if you don’t do all the bad things that you are living a life pleasing to God. That is almost true. It is pleasing to God for us to avoid sin. This theory of holy living is missing an important part. There is more to a life pleasing to God than avoiding sin we also have to do something.
I want us to look at the “do’s” of a holy life. To do this we are first going to see what Paul say’s in the 3rd chapter of Colossians. In this chapter he talks about setting our hearts right with God in three areas. The first area is setting our hearts on Christ Himself (Colossians 3.1-.4). The next area is setting our heart against sin (3.5-.11). The last area is setting our hearts on pleasing God (3.12-.17)
He begins the chapter by telling us to set our hearts on Christ Himself (3.1-.4). This is the “Why be holy?” question. We are holy because we recognize what Christ has done for us by raising our hearts with Him (3.1) and we set our hearts and minds on thing above. Next we recognize where Christ is. He has been elevated to God's right hand. Then we recognize that we died and our lives are hidden in Christ (3.3). Finally we are holy and set our hearts right with God because we recognize that Christ is our life (3.4).
In the next section of the 3rd chapter Paul writes about setting our hearts against sin (3.5-.11). These are the “don’ts” of a holy and pleasing life. We put off our old self that died and with it our old sinful practices (3.5-.9a). Then we put on our new self that was raised to life by the blood of Christ (3.9b-.11)
In the last third Paul talks about the “do’s” of a holy and pleasing life by setting our hearts on pleasing Christ (3.12-.17). Here we can see what a holy life looks like by being…
compassionate and kind (3.12)
humble, patient, and gentle.
forgiving (3.13)
loving (3.14)
peaceful and thankful (3.15)
indwelt by the word of Christ (3.16)
an ambassador for Christ (3.17).
As we discuss a holy life we will look at some of these “do’s” more closely.
To live a holy life we must to do the “do’s” and avoid the “don’ts”. We must avoid sin and at the same time live holy! It is important to note that just because you do the “do’s” and don’t do the “don’ts” does not mean you are live a holy life only. More on this to come!
01 Why Be Holy?
Why Be Holy?
Do we live a holy and pure life in order to be saved?
Do we obey God in order to earn salvation?
If I am forgiven for my sins why should I live a holy life?
Why be Holy?
These are all questions we wrestle with in our lives from time to time. We ask these questions because we are seek to know our true motivations for living a Godly and holy life. The answers to these questions lead us to something deeper that we could ever imagine!
I want to focus on three verses to help answer the “Why be holy?” question and also share some others that will help you in your own discovery.
We are going to start in the small and often-overlooked letter of 3rd John verse11 (RSV) “Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good. He who does good is of God; he who does evil has not seen God.” In this verse John answers the holiness question simply. We are holy because people who do good are from God and we are from God.
In another letter John writes, “You know that Jesus [he] appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him sins; no one who sins has either seen him or known him.” (1 John 3.5-.6 RSV) Again the answer is simple. We are God’s people and God’s people do not sin. He doesn’t say God’s people shouldn’t sin or might sin but that no one who abides in Jesus sins.
Finally in Leviticus 11.44 - .45 (RSV) we find the foundational reason for holiness. “For I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves with any swarming thing that crawls upon the earth. For I am the LORD who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God; you shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. " We as God’s people are holy because the God is holy! This is the deep end of the pool. When you start to meditate, study and experience God’s holiness you change your perspective on the world. No longer is it about you instead it is about God. No longer do we seek our own glory but we strive to reflect God’s glory.
The realization that the holy and sovereign creator God calls me to be holy like Him blows my mind. There is no way I have the power to do that! You and I don’t have that power but Jesus did. He opens the door for us to be holy by cleansing us and giving us the Holy Spirit.
Now that we know why we are to be holy we have another question to answer; “What does a holy life look like?”
(For further reading on the holiness question read Psalm 119.1-.3, 1st Corinthians 7.22-.23, Colossians 1.21-.23, 1 Thessalonians 4.7-.8 & .11-.12, Titus 2.11-.14 and 1st Peter 1.14 - .16, 2.9, & .11 - .12)
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Where is some good news? A quick view of the news today reveals a lot of bad news. Sure there are some stories that seem like good news but on the whole we live is a world full of bad news! We also live in one of the most medicated societies ever! Most of the medicine being taken (not all of it legal) has to do with depression or mood alteration. Why? BAD NEWS
So where can we find some good news?
We have the good news for our depressed society. Don’t believe me read the first simple sentence in Mark’s Gospel:
“The good news of Jesus Christ - the Messiah! - begins here.” (Mark 1:1 the Message)
As we have read Mark’s account of Jesus life in the Upper Room we keep seeing good news! Here are a few headlines:
Satan Defeated in the Desert by Hungry Man (Mark 1:9-13)
Evil Spirit Cast Out in Capernaum Synagogue (Mark 1:21-28)
Leper Healed and Praises God (1:40-45)
This is just from the first chapter. The rest of this book is filled with the good news of Jesus’ authority! He has authority over Satan, demons, leprosy, paralysis, fevers and other disease. He has authority to call people to follow him and to teach. He has authority over nature stopping storms and feeding thousands with one lunch. These events alone are great news but Mark has even better news.
Over the next few weeks we will explore Mark’s Good News and reveal the best news of all.
Friday, February 13, 2004
Friday, February 06, 2004
Leading up to this year’s super bowl there was a lot of hype! Hype about the commercials. Hype about the half time show. Hype about the tribute to the Columbia Disaster. Everything surrounding the game got the hype, but not the game. Instead the game got what I like to call “anti-hype.” Anti-hype about how boring the game was going to be. Anti-hype about how it was going to be a mostly defensive game. Anti-hype about the fact that there were no “super-star” players. It seems like everyone (including the NFL) forgot that the Super Bowl is about a game and not the entertainment surrounding the game.
In my opinion, this was one of the best Super Bowl games I’ve ever seen, second only to the Titan’s loss to the Rams a few years ago. It had suspense. It had some awesome passes and running. The defense not usually the glamorous part of football was incredible. It all came down to the last few plays. It was all about the game.
We are in a game too. In fact, each of us is running a race. Our life of faith is a race. Listen to what Paul has to say...
Acts 20:24
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. (NIV)
Galatians 5:7
You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? (NIV)
2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. (NIV)
Finally listen to what the author of Hebrews has to say...
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV)
Don’t forget that our life of faith is not about the hype! It is about the game. It is about the race. The author of Hebrews warns us to throw off the sin, to forget the hype and run the race. We don’t run this race alone. Jesus ran it before us. We must keep our eyes on the leader and follow Him so we know where we are going and won’t get lost. So we aren’t distracted by the hype or the anti-hype instead we remember it is all about the game.