Thursday, December 30, 2004

my first christmas sermon

i gave my first christmas sermon on the sunday after christmas this year and it is on the church's website for you to listen to.

it is not a traditional sermon on the birth narative but it is about the people of israel returning to the promise land after 70 years in captivity and the restoration the begins and the silence of God at the close of the old testament and his voice's return as the new testament opens.

give it a listen and tell me what you think it is only 24 minutes.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

jingle cats

ok last saturday morning i am listening to morning edition on npr minding my own buisness when they do their yearly worst Christmas music segment. i mean some of this stuff is just awefull but on cd they featured i had to buy it was the jingle cats "mewie Christmas" cd. imagine an entire cd of christmas songs "sung" by cats.

be afraid be very afraid this is at once some of the worst music i have ever heard and one of the funniest cds ever! probably the best is the ode to joy! almost as funny as space ghost's musical bar-b-que which when i first heard it nearly made me wet my pants and the seat to my buddy brice's rodeo.

if you dare to buy this cd i would recomend that you buy a used one from amazon i got mine for 5 bucks with shipping. if you want to hear a sample go to the jingle cats website you can also buy other jingle cat's cds or the one with the dogs called Christmas unleashed. they are also available on itunes

what josh is listening to

alright this program ain't working like i want it to so i turned it off for now. if keeps giving me the wrong album art! oh well.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

what is josh listening to right now?

chlick here to find out what i am listening to as i work on my sermon for sunday moring

Saturday, December 18, 2004

lego man waves take two

a few weeks ago i posted a small movie of a lego man waving. unknown to me the link was bad but now it is good so go on down a few posts and check it out

Friday, December 17, 2004

Controversy and Replication

I was reading “The Writers Almanac” this morning and discovered it was Gustav Eiffel’s birthday (Wednesday December 15th 1832).. In his day Eiffel was a famous designer of the iron structures. He designed the internal structure of the Statue of Liberty and many beautiful bridges. We know him for his famous tower in Paris, “The Eiffel Tower” built for the Universal Exposition in 1889.

As construction began in 1886 so did the controversy. Many artists, writers and Parisian thought the stark design was an atrocity and an affront to the beautiful architecture and design of Paris. Pamphlets and newspaper articles were written but construction went on. When the tower was completed in March 31st 1889. The controversy and opposition died down once the tower was completed and the positive response it received from the throng of visitors who first visited the tower.

This once derided tower is now reproduced in mass quantity. You find Eiffel Tower clocks, paperweights and snow globes. It shows up in artwork and is a must see for anyone who visits Paris.

Sound familiar?

It reminds me of the Cross. We don’t know who built the cross that our LORD died on. We do know it was controversial in the beginning. How could the LORD and KING of the universe be executed in such a manner only common criminals and scum die that way? Some didn’t believe that the physical Jesus died but his spirit was not on the Cross. Over the centuries the controversy has died down. Now you find the cross reproduced everywhere on t-shirts, on jewelry, artwork, hats and bumper stickers.

Even though it has been reproduced millions of times, the Cross has not lost its power. The power is not in the reproduction but in who died on the original! When one stops and thinks about what happened on that old rugged cross hundreds of years ago the power of that moment returns. Every Sunday when we eat Communion together we remember that our LORD died for our sins. That powerful and controversial event’s impact can not be diminished.

(For more information on the Eiffel Tower visit the official Eiffel Tower website and for more information on the Cross read Matthew thru Revelation in your Bible.)

Thursday, December 16, 2004

mohammed helped me

it seems that great religious leaders are helping me. as you know jesus helped me at staples the day after thanksgiving.

well today at target mohammed helped me. actually he found lisa's 1 hour photos and checked me out in a retail way. now i just have to wait for someone with jewish, hindu or pagan leaders name to help me. when that happens ya'll will be the second to know

Friday, December 10, 2004

quiet friday night

it is a quiet friday night here at the byrd house. the kids are playing legos on the wonderful table my folks gave them. tyler is happy on the floor sitting up very well. lisa is getting better but is still feeling bad. i am ok but in a thoughtful mode more on that later.

all in all it is a quiet night at the byrd house. hope all is quiet with you.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

ug we are all sick

this weekend was good but now austin, tyler and sarah are sick arg! life is crazy but you gotta loving