Saturday, January 22, 2005

it is snowing

today it is snowing.

we will get about 6 inches and the kids will love it

these days always make me introspective and sleepy i like them. with 4 kids it makes it hard to curl up with a cup of tea or coffee and read a book like i want but i catch little quiet moments for myself when i can

i have also been thinking about the fact that it was 14 years ago when my brother died. from this point on i will have more days with out him than i had with him. he was 14 when he died and now that 14 years have passed there are more days with out him that with him. something to think about.

i have so much going on in my life that i don't think about erinn as much as i used to but every time i take ashley to the doctor i am reminded of him. she is named after him and so when it has his first name on her insurance card i am reminded of him. it is not a sad reminder just a little nudge.

kind of the way the wind reminds me of the LORD's prescence. when i stand out in a strong wind i am reminded of God's prescence in my life. it is as if He is pushing on me reminding me He is there. i even talk back and tell Him "i feel you." we all feel the LORD's prescence in different ways and that is mine.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

prayer request

i want to ask all my readers to please prayer for the families of the teens who were injured and killed from the highland church of christ.

they were coming home from winterfest in arlington and one of their suburbans flipped killing on student and injurying the other on bord.

here is a link to mike cope's blog whose son chris was injured in the wreck.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Meals of Jesus Begins

Have you ever wondered what it would be like for you to eat with Jesus? Have you ever wondered what happened during those meal times mentioned in the Gospels? I have and so I am going to explore the meals of Jesus here on my blog this year.

To do this I had to lay out what is an actual meal with Jesus. I came up with these two criteria for a “meal” of Jesus. First, food is offered to Jesus or he asks for food for himself or someone else. Second, Jesus is either eating or a meal is taking place with him present. Using these two rules as my guide I discovered at least 22 meals of Jesus in the Gospels and Acts. This list includes meals found in several Gospels like Peter’s mother in law being healed and feeding Jesus, diner at Levi/Matthew’s house, the feeding of the 5,000 and his final Passover Meal with the Apostles and disciples. It also includes material unique to individual Gospels such as the wedding in Cana found only in John or multiple meals Jesus has at Pharisee’s houses found only in Luke and his meal with the disciples in Acts when they are told to wait in Jerusalem for the Spirit.

I have learned a lot by experiencing and studying these meals. I want to share my reflections and to hear your reflections as we explore the meals of Jesus.

Here is my list of meals of Jesus


Matthew 4.1-.11

Mark 1.9-.13

Luke 4.1-.13

Wedding in Cana

John 2.1-.11

Peter’s Mother in Law

Matthew 8.14-.17

Mark 1.29-.34

Luke 4.38-.41

Dinner at Levi/Matthew’s House

Matthew 9.9-.26

Mark 2.13-.17

Luke 5.27-.39

Samaritan Women

John 4.1-.54

Grain Heads on the Sabbath

Matthew 12.1-.8

Mark 2.23-.27

Luke 6.1-.5

Dead Girl Eats

Matthew 9.18-.26

Mark 5.43

Luke 8.55

Dinner at a Pharisees (anointing)

Luke 7.36

Feeding of the 5,000

Matthew 14.13-.21

Mark 6.30-.44

Luke 8.10-.17

John 6.1-.15

Feeding of the 4,000

Matthew 15.29-39

Mark 8.1-.13

Dinner at Zacchaeus’ House

Luke 9.1-.27

Mary and Martha’s Home

Luke 10.38-.42

Dinner at Another Pharisee’s House

Luke 11.37-.54

Anointed at Bethany

Luke 12.1-.11

Sabbath at a Pharisee’s House

Luke 14.1-.24

Fig Tree Cursed

Matthew 21.18

Mark 11.12-.14 & .20-.26

Home of Simon the Leper

Mark 14.1-.11

Passover Supper with the Disciples

Matthew 26.1-.30

Mark 14.12-.26

Luke 22.1-.38

John 13-17

Road to Emmaus

Luke 24.13

Post Resurrection Appearance

Mark 6.14

John 22.19-.31

Come and Eat Breakfast

John 21.1-.14

Wait for the Spirit

Acts 1.1-.11