This series is inspired by both the Letter/Book of Revelation and Mike Cope’s book Megan’s Secrets
Over the years I have seen many of our teens have make the wonderful choice to reject the Unholy Satanic story I wrote about earlier. They instead are choosing to live God’s Holy Story. When we put our faith in the LORD Jesus Christ and have the unholy story washed from our lives thru baptism we leave behind sin, guilt and trying to be god in our life. Thru baptism we put on forgiveness, freedom and the LORD in control of our life.
If baptism is the major turning point in the Lamb’s Holy Story what does the rest of the story look like?
This story is counter to the one the world offers. In the Lamb’s Story the when we are poor in spirit we will receive the Kingdom of God. If we mourn we will be comforted. When we are meek we will inherit the earth. If we are starving for righteousness we will be filled with righteousness. As we live mercifully we will receive mercy. As we live pure in heart we will see God. If we make peace will be called God’s children. When we are given a hard time for our righteousness ours will be the Kingdom of Heaven!
I hope you recognize this from the beginning of “The Sermon on the Mount” from Matthew 5. As you read the rest of the sermon you will find a guide for how to live the Lamb’s Holy Story.
I wrote earlier about how the specifics of our stories will be different but the plot will be characterized by “The Sermon on the Mount” and the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22 - .25). Some of us are called to be missionaries in foreign countries while others are called to be missionaries in their own homes. Some are more introverted and their story will be quieter and more behind the scenes. Others are more extroverted and will be out front and visible. These stories are part of the Lamb’s Holy story and Kingdom of Heaven needs us all.