Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thankful Tweets - February

At the beginning of this year I began to tweet one thing I was thankful for a day. About a month into it I decided to start collecting these tweets into a document in case I wanted to review them later. Here is another monthly Thankful Tweet Report Here are my February Thankful Tweets:


I am thankful for a church family that will let me make deep theological points with toy trains and stuffed grumpy cats 32/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful that my boys play cello and fill the house with beautiful music #thankful2015 33/365

I am thankful for my wonderfully creative youngest daughter 34/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful and proud of my oldest daughter and all her hard work @ACUedu  #thankful2015 35/365

I am thankful that we paid off our gold minivan this month 36/365 #ThankfulThursdays #thankful2015

I am thankful for my beautiful wife om her birthday #thankful2015 37/365

I am thankful for Pack 863's great Blue & Gold pancake breakfast this morning #thankful2015 38/365

I am thankful for a great scout sunday
#ScoutSunday #thankful2015 39/365

I am thankful for my crockpot and my neighborhood Giant store #thankful2015 40/365

I am thankful for a good day 41/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a fun evening with the byrd boys #thankful2015 42/365

I am thankful that my byrd girls are having fun together 43/365 #ThankfulThursdays #thankful2015

I am thankful for a fun evening play old school robotech rpg with the boys @RobotechNews #thankful2015 44/365

i am thankful that i am blessed to be a part of the spiritual lives of the teens and students @cocfc #thankful2015 46/365

I am thankful for a snowy night #thankful2015 #snow  #dcsnow 47/365

I am thankful that the bear and my love are home #thankful2015 48/365

I am thankful for a quiet evening at home. 49/366 #thankful2015

I am thankful that i am packed and ready for @WFconferences tomorrow. 50/365 #thankful2015 #ThankfulThursday

I am thankful for a safe trip to gatlinburg, tn 51/365 also thankful for a great saturday @WFconferences 2015 52/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a safe trip home 53/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful 4 a great group of teens&students 54/365 & some incredible chaperons who were part of our winterfest trip 55/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a good day 56/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for snow 57/365 #thankful2015 #ThankfulThursdays

I am thankful for @lisadenim4 's yummy soup 58/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a fun afternoon playing a game with sarah and the boys  59/365 #thankful2015

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Thankful Tweets - Januaary

At the beginning of this year I began to tweet one thing I was thankful for a day.

About a month into it I decided to start collecting these tweets into a document in case I wanted to review them later.

Today I decided to share the monthly reports on my dormant blog.

Here are my January Thankful Tweets:


I am thankful for left over chinese food and a star trek movie with my family. 1/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a warm house on a cold night. 2/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a quiet Saturday at home. 3/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a great Winter break. 4/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for our orthodontist who had last minute space for one of my byrdies 5/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for an awesome sledding hill right out my back gate. 6/365 #thankful365

I am thankful for my wellies.  They kept my feet dry for the last few snowy days 7/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for lisa's german cheese soup on a frigid night! #thankful2015 8\365

I am thankful for our kitchen aid it makes home made pizza dough a snap. #thankful2015 9/365

I am thankful for a crazy evening of Apples 2 Apples with the family. #thankful2015 10/365

I am thankful for having my oldest home for a great winter break. 11/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for the fun Cub Scouts in Pack 863 #thankful2015 12/365

Once again I am thankful for a warm house on a very cold night.  stay safe everyone. 13/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a mechanic I can trust  who does good work, fast and inexpensively! #thankful2015 14/365

I am thankful for tonight's winter concert and my cello playing boy 15/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for bbq. #thankful2015 16/365

I am thankful for bannana cream pie #thankful2015 17/365

I am thankful for good soup #thankful2015 18/365


I am thankful for a quiet night at home #thankful2015 20/365

I am thankful for my helpful kids who put away dishes, help load the dish washer and took care of the rabbit. #thankful2015 21/365

I am thankful for good books 22/365 #ThankfulThursday #thankful2015

I am thankful that I am in a cabin and not a tent on this snowy night 23/365 #/ #cubscouts #camping @campsnyder

I am thankful for cub scouts and camp fires 24/365 #thankful2015 #camping #cubscout @campsnyder

I am thankful for my church family #thankful2015 25/365

I am thankful that monday is a "day off" for me #thankful2015 26/365

I am thankful for my oldest boy who did a great job shoveling snow #thankful2015 27/365

I am thankful for interesting sermon inspiration #thankful2015 28/364

I am thankful that I have a 13 year old boy today!  #thankful2015 29/365

I am thankful that the power stayed on inspite of the wind 30/365 #thankful2015

I am thankful for a fun night with the boys cooking and apples to apples 31/365 #thankful2015