A few weeks ago I read an article about how important it is for us to communicate why God matters during this global pandemic. It was in the context of churches that didn’t have the resources to do food drives or clothing distributions. There are other organizations that are able to meet those physical needs but we need to be meeting spiritual needs.
In response I began to make my “Why God Matters?” list. It is pretty generic and I felt like something was missing. So I changed my question to “Why God matters to me?” That’s when I was struck by the fact that a generic god doesn’t matter to me but the LORD does.
Before you think I have given up my faith let me explain. Our society throws the word “god” around a great deal and most of the time it really has no meaning. It is just a word people use to identify some kind of supreme being. This undefined supreme being is easy to believe in because this god is created by the person. We see this nebulous supreme being used on our money, by politicians and other people who want to sound or seem pious or spiritual.
That god doesn’t matter. It is YAHWEH (the LORD) who matters; this is the true GOD we meet in the Bible. The LORD is not a nebulous supreme being or god; we create. No the LORD is a specific being who has a defined personality and motivations.
We see in the Bible that the LORD is the creator. The LORD makes the universe in an amazingly creative and purposeful way. We see the LORD loves. We see this in the way the LORD is continually making covenants with humanity and showing mercy to sinful people. We see the LORD is righteous. This means the LORD behaves and acts in ways that are good and holy.
It is not a god that matters but it is the LORD who matters! Our job is to show that in our lives to those around us. Over the next few weeks I will be exploring these ideas.