Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Living as Light - Part 5

Joy is another way we illuminate this dark world.  As followers of Jesus the joy we experience is
complicated and counter intuitive.  Like love, joy is also choice we make. It is a choice we make in spite
of difficult circumstances around but it also a choice we make because of wonderful events.

One side of the joy coin is looking difficulty and pain straight on and choosing joy.  Now, let me try to
illustrate another side of the joy coin.

Side B

Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts
of the Lord’s people. - Philemon 7

It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father
commanded us.  - 2 John 4

Joy can be a feeling.  When something wonderful happens we feel joy.  This feeling of joy is something
we want to share.  We feel it when we see the LORD’s power at work. When the good news about
Jesus spreads.  When hurting people are comforted by believers. When we confess our sin and are
forgiven. When broken people and relationships are healed  When an unexpected word of
encouragement comes our way.

Joy doesn’t come quickly.  It may take time. There will be ups and downs.  Joy will come.
Our task is to follow, be faithful and walk in the LORD’s love.

Joy is not feeling happy.  Joy is not ignoring the bad to just see good.  It is one of the characteristics of a
Spirit filled life. 

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