Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Sun Rises! (Romans 3:9 - 26)

The Sun Rises!
Romans 3:9 - 26

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic this is a dark time of the year.  These are cold dark days of Winter.  The days are very short with the sun setting so early.  It may not be the coldest part of the year but it is cold enough to keep us all inside.  The dark cold short days make it hard for many.  It is no wonder so many of this season’s holidays use light as part of the celebration.   We find Menorahs are lit for Hanukkah, 7 candles are lit in a Kinara for Kwanzaa and Christmas lights decorate trees and houses.

Like the night, this time of year will pass and a new day or Spring will come.
In Paul’s letter to the Romans we find a section that mirrors this darkness giving way to light.  Starting in Romans 3:9, Paul recaps our broken sinful nature.  He specifically points out that Jews and Gentiles are both lost in sin.  There is nothing we can do about this.  We are all sinners; neither the Old Testament law or Gentile morality will save us.  The situation is hopeless and dark like the deepest part of Winter feels.

The sun has set on a long night but beginning in Romans 3:21 we read about the dawn!  Righteousness has come.  We have no power to attain righteousness through philosophical or religious morality.  It is through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus that we find redemption from our sin.  Like a bright light shining in our dark lives, righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
The dawn of righteousness in our dark lives gives us the hope to make it through the dark times of our lives.

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